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Master Oreo Boy Deck

Master Oreo Boy Deck

Regular price Rs. 2,400.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 2,400.00
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“Wisdom & Leadership Lessons from Spirit Animals” There are 58 cards in this deck, giving you lessons from ‘Spirit Wisdom’ from animals, bees and birds.
When you welcome this deck, it travels with you in your life.... Students and Group Leaders require superior and effective communication skills to be presented in their daily environment. Great resources enable them to be effective, productive and self- reliant. Human beings can learn leadership skills, simply by observing and paying attention to the world around them. In their environment, are the gifts of the animals, the bees and the birds, who’s gifted with their skills.
 Animals exhibit group influence, nurture, unity, guidance, communication, intuition, compassion and learning abilities to their followers. When you read, understand and adapt to the wisdom messages from the ‘Master Oreo Boy Deck’, it reveals to you, how aptly it has come for you, directing you into a favourable pathway, empowering you in your prominent role and guiding you ahead. With the practice of ‘Spirit Wisdom’ guided affirmations and lessons, the owner of this deck would find their decision skills improving, social interactions becoming better, communication abilities getting stronger and becoming successful role models.

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