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Regular price Rs. 750.00
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Seikastu, is a simple philosophy which leads one to find reason for their existence, whilst helping them to open up to the unspoken stories within. It introduces the reader into a state and approach of Zen Mindfulness, thus guiding and helping them to master their mind through the practice of mindfulness activities. Harmonising oneness, success at the work place, progressing in personal relationships, improving interpersonal relationship skills, growing with beauty and health are some of the key takeaways from this book. When you look at the cover page of the book, you are led to reflect on the journey of your life symbolic to the golden Gingko tree. Golden represents all that is in abundance, comes from the source of lights. The Gingko Tree represents the longevity, strength and the boat represents your journey. Spiritual nourishment, contentment, transformation and liberation are symbolic to your life’s journey. The Gingko Tree is the tree of hope and sustenance which allows mankind to understand that hardships and tough situations do not last forever, they will end in time to come. While walking on this journey we call life, man is meant to develop friendships, weave bonds and breathe new meaning and life into their existing relationships and families, helping them to realise the deeper meanings in the walk of life. The traveler entails life and accepts that wherever they are placed, they can find their strength to grow and sustain life, while participating in Life itself. A new life of goodness, symbolic of the many good things that’s going to happen to you and that you will live to enjoy it’s goodness is the meaning of this book for you

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